You’ve likely heard this numerous times, particularly right here on our blog: air conditioning maintenance is essential to ensuring that your system stays up and running at its peak performance and efficiency level. Be sure to schedule your air conditioner maintenance every single year.

One of the most common inquiries we get about maintenance is what our technicians do during these visits. We are happy to share some more information with you so that you understand a bit more about the specifics of air conditioning maintenance. Read on:


Performing a thorough cleaning for your evaporator and condenser coils is a vital part of cooling system maintenance. If these coils are caked with dirt and grime, the absorption and dispersing of heat are going to be negatively impacted. Other components that must be cleaned include your blower components and your condensate drain and pan.

Checking Your Thermostat

Your thermostat is what allows you to regulate the operation of your system, and if it’s not working properly you may never reach your desired temperature. This can be damaging to your air conditioner which might have to work harder than it normally should. Our professionals will check and make sure your thermostat is working right.


One of the factors that our technicians will look at is your refrigerant levels. Your air conditioning system is supplied with enough refrigerant upon its installation that it should last through the system’s lifespan. If you are losing refrigerant, then you have a leak that must be repaired. Other components our technicians will inspect include your condensate drain and pan.


Your air conditioning system has many moving parts. As your air conditioner ages, the lubrication of these parts wears off. As a result, there is a lot of friction, which makes your air conditioner work way harder than it should have. This creates inefficiencies and can also cause a premature system shutdown.

To schedule your air conditioning maintenance appointment in San Antonio, TX today, give Cowboys Air Conditioning & Heating a call!

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